of High Vacuum1
Source: Procedures
in Experimental Physics
by John
SOME of the equations
from the kinetic theory are important in the design, construction, and
operation of vacuum apparatus. Accordingly, we will begin our treatment
of the technique of high vacuum with a discussion of them. The derivations
of these equations are omitted, since we are interested only in their
The laws of ideal
gases. The laws of ideal gases are represented, mathematically, by
Eqs. 1 and 2.
represents the total pressure exerted on the walls of a vessel containing
w1 grams of a gas of molecular weight ,
when this vessel has a volume V and is maintained at an absolute
temperature T. If more than one gas is present, for example, if
the vessel contains grams
of one gas of molecular weight ,
grams of a second gas
of molecular weight ,
and so forth, the partial pressure exerted by each gas is given by Eq.
The total pressure,
given by Eq. 2, is the sum of these partial pressures. The value of the
constant R, the so-called universal gas constant, is independent
of the molecular weight of the gas, but its value does depend on the units
in which the pressure and volume are expressed. In vacuum work the pressure
is usually expressed in millimeters of mercury2 and the volume
in cubic centimeters, in which case R has the value of 62,370.
Eqs. 1 and 2 are
based on the assumptions, first, that the molecules are infinitely small
and, second, that no intermolecular forces exist. Neither assumption is
valid for real gases. Nevertheless, the equations describe the behavior
of real gases, especially hydrogen and helium, with sufficient accuracy
for our purposes here. Although the equations break down at elevated pressures
(pressures greater than 1 atmosphere), they become increasingly precise
if the pressure is reduced. And, at pressures encountered in vacuum work,
Eqs. 1 and 2 not only apply to the description of the behavior of gases
but describe the behavior of many unsaturated vapors as well.
The mean free
path. The mean free path is the average distance traversed by molecules
between successive intermolecular collisions. The magnitude of this quantity
is determined by the size of the molecules and is given by the formula
represents the molecular diameters and n the number of molecules per cubic
centimeter. Values of the mean free
path for nitrogen
calculated by Eq. 3, using
cm for the molecular diameters, are given in Table I.
Viscosity and
heat conductivity. The viscosity and heat conductivity of a gas, like
the mean free path, depend on the molecular diameters. As a result, we
have the relationship between the mean free path and the viscosity , ,
and the relationship
between the viscosity and the thermal conductivity K,
In these equations
is the gas density in grams
per cubic centimeter; ,
is the heat capacity at constant volume of unit mass of the gas; and
is a constant, being 2.5 for monatomic and 1.9 for diatomic gases.
is the average velocity of the molecules and is defined by the equation
The relationship
between , ,
, and K for various
gases is illustrated in Table II.
Substituting PM/RT
for and Eq. 3 for
in Eq. 4, we see that the pressure cancels. In other words, Eq. 4 predicts
that the viscosity will be the same at reduced pressure as it is at ordinary
pressures. The experimental verification of this prediction by Meyer and
AIaxwell was a triumph for the kinetic theory.3 They measured
the damping of a torsion pendulum in a bell jar at pressures varying from
1 atmosphere to about 10 mm of mercury. The damping produced by the viscosity
of the air was found to be the same at all pressures.
Eq. 5 predicts that
the heat conductivity is also independent of the pressure. This was established
experimentally by Stefan.4
Eqs. 4 and 5 are
derived from the assumption that the mean free path is small in comparison
with the size of the apparatus. Table I shows the pressures at which this
assumption becomes invalid.
If Meyer and Maxwell
had reduced the pressure in their bell jar below about 10-1
mm, they would have observed a decrease in the damping effect on the torsion
pendulum. Likewise, if Stefan had extended his observations, he would
have found a decrease in the heat conductivity towards 10-1
mm and its complete disappearance below about mm.
Pumping speeds.
Consider that a vessel contains a gas at pressure P and opens through
an aperture to a region where a high vacuum is maintained. Further assume
that this high vacuum is to be maintained at a pressure so much lower
than P that it is essentially a perfect vacuum. The volume of gas
escaping through the aperture per unit time, dV/dt, measured at
pressure P, is given by the formula
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/eqn7.gif) |
where A is
the area of the aperture. The value of dV/dt for air (M = 29) at
room temperature (T = 300° Kelvin) is 11,700 cc/sec. cm2,
or 11.7 liters/sec. cm2. It is a noteworthy feature of this
formula that dV/dt is independent of the pressure in the vessel.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/basicfig1.jpg)
A hypothetical aperture
of unit area communicating with an essentially perfect vacuum may be regarded
as a pump with a speed of 11.7 liters/sec. Oil and mercury diffusion pumps
have two characteristics in common with such an aperture. They have pumping
speeds of the same order of magnitude as the aperture, and their observed
pumping speeds are roughly constant over a considerable pressure range.
The speed of a diffusion
pump is, accordingly, expressed as the volume of gas passing through the
throat of the pump measured at the pressure which obtains at the throat.
The speed factor of a pump is the ratio of its speed per unit area of
the throat to the value 11.7 liters/sec. A good oil diffusion pump has
a speed factor of about 0.5 or 0.6. The speed factor for mercury diffusion
pumps5 varies from 0.1 to 0.3.
The pumping speed
of diffusion pumps can be measured by means of a leak like the one shown
in Fig. 1. Gas at atmospheric pressure is allowed to leak into the pumping
line. The rate at which the gas is introduced is measured by the motion
of a mercury pellet in the calibrated capillary tube. At the same time
the pressure at the throat of the pump is determined with a vacuum manometer.
The rate dV/dt at which gas passes through the pump is obtained
by multiplying the volume which the mercury pellet sweeps through per
unit time by the ratio of the pressure in the capillary (that is, the
barometric pressure) to the pressure which obtains at the pump throat.
Conductance of
vacuum pumping lines. Ordinarily, a pump is connected to an apparatus
by a tube or system of tubes which constitute the vacuum pumping line.
The measured speed of the pump, which we will designate ,
at one end of the vacuum line is greater than the effective pumping speed,
S, at the other end of the line. Naturally, the difference between
and S is small
if the pumping tubes are short and have a large diameter. The difference
between and
determines the capacity of a vacuum line. The capacity is the reciprocal
of W, theresistance of the vacuum line to the flow of gas. The
relationship of the quantities ,
S, and W is given by the formula
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/eqn8.gif) |
W, in turn,
is defined in terms of tube dimensions by Knudsen's formula,
where l is
the length of the pumping line and d is its diameter, both expressed in
centimeters.6 The first term in the parentheses represents
the resistances of the line, while the second term represents the resistance
of the two ends of the line (or the resistance of a sharp bend in the
line). The second term is usually insignificant in comparison with the
first and may be neglected. For example, W. Klose found that a straight
pumping channel with four right-angle bends, one with four T-shaped
enlargements, and a curved tube of equal diameter all exhibited essentially
the same pumping speed.7
The coefficient of
Eq. 9 becomes unity if 29, the molecular weight of air, is substituted
for M, room temperature of 300 K.
is substituted for T, and
is substituted for ,
where r is the radius of the tube. It is further required that
and r be expressed in millimeters and that W be expressed in sec./liter
instead of sec./cm3. After making these substitutions and neglecting the
second term in the parentheses, Eq. 9 reduces to
As an example of
the application of Eq. 10, consider a pumping tube of 250 mm length and
5 mm radius. This gives a value of W' equal to 2 sec./liter. Substituting
this value in Eq. 8, we see that the pumping speed S can never
exceed 1/2 liter/sec., even if a very fast pump is used, for which1/
is practically zero.
The factors determining the rate at which an apparatus is evacuated are
the volume of the apparatus, V, the effective speed of the system
of pumps, S., and the limiting pressure which the pumps are capable
of attaining, . The method
of evaluating the first factor, V, is obvious. The value of S may
be calculated from the values of
and W by Eqs. 8 and 10, or it may be measured by connecting the
leak and gauge to the apparatus.
The value of
is not easy to estimate, so it is necessary to measure it with a gauge.
does not depend on the pumping speed of the pumps on tight systems which
are outgassed. When the system is leaking or giving off gas,
depends on the rate of leaking as well as the speed of the pumps. On a
tight outgassed system the limiting pressure for mercury diffusion pumps
equipped with a liquid air trap is 10
mm or less. For oil diffusion pumps without traps the limiting pressure
varies from 10 to 10
mm, although lower values are occasionally reported. The vacuum attainable
with mechanical pumps is usually 10-2 to 10
mm. The water aspirator is restricted to work at pressures above the vapor
pressure of water, about 25 mm of mercury at room temperature.
The effect of outgassing
on is illustrated by
an experiment described by Dushman.8 He found a limiting pressure
of 0.033 bar for a Gaede rotary pump connected to a vacuum gauge when
the connecting glass tube was giving off gas. When the glass tubing, however,
was baked out until its surface was free of absorbed moisture and other
gases, the limiting pressure was reduced to 0.0007 bar.
The rate at which
the pressure is reduced in an apparatus, as determined by the pumping
speed S, the volume V, and the limiting pressure ,
is given by the equation
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/eqn11.gif) |
The integration of
this equation yields
Eq. 12 is useful,
for example, in predicting the time ( - )
required for a vacuum system to recover from a surge of gas which raises
the pressure to the value .
In this case represents
the working pressure required in the apparatus.
and are much larger than
, then
may be neglected, and Eq. 12 can be simplified to the form
Roughing pumps.
The so-called roughing pumps are used to support diffusion pumps because
the latter will operate efficiently only against a small differential
of pressure at pressures less than a few tenths of a millimeter of mercury.
Rotary mechanical pumps are ordinarily used.9 The pumping speeds
of several rotary pumps at various pressures are given in Fig. 2.
Other types of pumps,
such as the water aspirator, the Gaede rotary pump, and the Sprengel and
Toepler pumps, are seldom used now. These pumps are adequately described
in the literature.10
Outgassing of
glass and metals. Outgassing removes gases adsorbed to the surface
of glass and metal. It is necessary to outgas exposed glass and metal
in order to obtain the highest degree of vacuum. Prolonged heating of
glass at 150° to 200°C. in vacuum removes most of the gases adsorbed
on the surface, while further heating to 300°C. removes the final
monomolecular film of water and adsorbed gases. Gases liberated when the
heating is carried above this temperature originate from the decomposition
of the glass.11
In practice, lead-glass
apparatus is outgassed by heating it in an oven or with a soft flame to
a maximum temperature of 360°C. for a time varying from 10 minutes
to an hour or more. Lime glass and hard glass are heated to 400° and
500°C. respectively. Higher temperatures are to be avoided, since
the annealing or softening point of soft glass is only 425°C. and
of hard glass 550°C.
Before a glass apparatus
is sealed off from the pumps, the seal-off constriction is heated for
a minute or two at a temperature just below the softening point of the
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/outgasfig1.jpg)
Fig. 2
When metals are strongly
heated in a vacuum, they give off adsorbed gases as well as absorbed gases
and gas arising from the decomposition of oxides near the surface. Gases
under the surface layer of the metal, both dissolved gases and those held
in chemical combination, are difficult to remove, even at elevated temperatures,
unless the metal is fused. The metal oxides, with the exception of chromium
oxide, are readily dissociated in vacuum at elevated temperatures. Metals
which have been fused in vacuum are now available commercially.12
Surface gas on tungsten
wire is liberated by a temperature of 1500°C. From 70 to 80 per cent
of this gas is carbon monoxide, and the remainder is hydrogen and carbon
dioxide.13 The volume of surface gas evolved, measured at standard
conditions, amounts to three or four times the volume of the tungsten
wire. Sweetser studied the gas liberated by copper, nickel, Monel, and
copper-coated nickel-iron alloy (Dumet). He found that these metals rarely
gave off a volume of gas greater than the volume of the wire.14
Marshall and Norton
have studied the gases given off by tungsten, molybdenum, and graphite.15
After these materials have been outgassed by prolonged heating in vacuum
at temperatures above 1800°C., they may be exposed to atmospheric
pressure, and the gases which they then take up are readily removed by
subsequent reheating to a moderate temperature in vacuum. However, they
should not be touched with the fingers.
Many metals may be
heated in hydrogen to remove surface contamination. At the same time dissolved
gases near the surface of the metal are, in part, replaced by the hydrogen.
This substitution is desirable, since hydrogen comes off readily when
the metal is subsequently heated in vacuum either in a bake-out oven or
by high-frequency induction.
Vapor pressure
of waxes. Table III gives the results of Zabel's measurements of the
relative vapor pressures of waxes used in vacuum work. The numbers given
there represent the results of measurements taken with an ionization gauge.
The wax compounded
from shellac and butyl phthalate (see Notes on the Materials of Research)
should exhibit a low vapor pressure, judging from Table III.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/tbliil.jpg) |
Getters. Ordinarily,
in the laboratory, a diffusion pump is used to remove the residual gases
which roughing pumps cannot remove, and the resulting high vacuum is maintained
by continued pumping. There are, however, other methods of removing the
residual gases in an apparatus which is sealed off at the pressure attainable
with a roughing pump.l16 These methods involve the use of so-called
getters, which not only remove the residual gases initially, but maintain
the vacuum against the deteriorating effects of subsequent outgassing.
Getters may be grouped
into three classes, depending on the manner in which they remove residual
gases. Some depend on the physical adsorption of the residual gases on
the refrigerated surface of a porous substance like charcoal or silica
gel; others absorb the gas in the manner that hydrogen is absorbed by
palladium black or tantalum; and still others combine with the residual
gas chemically.
The high absorbing
capacity of charcoal and silica gel is due in part to their large surfaces.
The surface of charcoal, for example, is estimated to be as great as 2500
square meters per gram. Absorbent charcoal to be used for removing residual
gas is itself first outgassed by heating it in the vacuum produced by
the roughing pumps. It should not be heated above the softening temperature
of Pyrex, because it will lose some of its absorption capacity owing to
"crystallization" of the charcoal and attendant loss of surface area.
After this outgassing the pumps are turned off to isolate the vacuum system,
and the charcoal is cooled (preferably with liquid air) to develop its
absorbing capacity. The absorbing power of charcoal for various gases
at 0°C. and-185°C (liquid air temperature) is given in Table IV.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/tableiv.jpg) |
Of the metal getters,
tantalum is of special interest. It absorbs hydrogen in large volumes-it
may absorb as much as 740 times its own volume of gas at temperatures
around 600°C. This absorbed gas is given off when the metal is heated
in vacuum at temperatures greater than 800°C. At high temperatures,
tantalum is one of the metals most easily outgassed. At elevated temperatures
the residual gases, oxygen and nitrogen, are also removed by chemical
combination with tantalum. Because of these properties, it is frequently
used for radio-tube anodes. The metals columbium and zirconium behave
in much the same way as tantalum.
Tungsten and molybdenum,
at temperatures above 1000°C., are effective getters.17
Oxygen is removed by these metals by the formation of oxides which are
volatile at temperatures above 1000°C. Hydrogen is dissociated by
the high temperature and condenses as atomic hydrogen on the container
walls, especially if they are cooled with liquid air.
The alkali metals
react with nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and mercury vapor. The absorption
of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen is especially strong when the alkali
metal is the cathode of a glow discharge.
Barium, calcium,
and magnesium are extensively used as getters, since they combine chemically
with all residual gases (noble gases excepted). Barium is more active
chemically than calcium. These metals are introduced by various ways into
the vacuum tubes in which they are to serve as getters. Calcium may be
introduced in the form of fresh filings. Barium may be introduced in the
form of copper or nickel-covered wire. Either metal may be formed directly
in vacuum by reducing it at elevated temperatures from one of its compounds.
Usually the introduced metal is vaporized and condensed on the walls of
the sealed-off vacuum system, where it forms a mirror. The getter action
of the metal is greater in the vapor phase, although the condensed mirror
film, especially a film of barium, will react chemically with residual
gases which may subsequently appear in the apparatus.
A metal film exhibits,
in addition to the chemical action, a physical action which may be of
considerable significance. This physical action, the adsorption of gases,
is strong because the metal surface is clean. Dushman gives an elementary
calculation illustrating this action.18 A spherical bulb 5
cm in radius containing residual gas at a pressure of about 1/10 mm of
mercury will be completely evacuated when sufficient gas is adsorbed on
the inside surface of the bulb or on a clean metal film to form a monomolecular
Water and many vapors
may be effectively removed by a trap cooled in liquid air. The density
of water vapor in a gas, after it is passed through a liquid air trap,
is 10 mg/liter. The relative
effectiveness of some of the more commonly used drying agents is shown
in Table V.19 Of these, phosphorus pentoxide is the one most
frequently used in vacuum work. It should be fused to reduce its vapor
pressure and to prevent it from flying about when the system is evacuated.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/table v.jpg) |
Static and kinetic
vacuum systems. Most oú the vacuum systems used in physical research
fall into two general classes. In the first class we have those systems
which are required to be thoroughly outgassed and entirely free from leaks
in order to obtain a high degree of vacuum. We will call systems of this
type static vacuum systems, in contrast to systems in which outgassing
from glass on metal parts or in which even small leaks may be tolerated,
owing to the use of extremely fast pumps. We will designate systems of
the latter type as kinetic vacuum systems.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacstatfig1.jpg)
Fig. 3 illustrates
a typical static vacuum system. It represents an X-ray tube being evacuated
with a mercury diffusion pump of moderate speed. Pressures as low as 10
mm (or even 10 mm) are obtained
in some static vacuum systems. Such extremely high vacuum is required
for investigating the photoelectric effect, thermionic emission, and other
physical phenomena for which the slightest contamination of a surface
is to be avoided. Static vacuum systems are not treated extensively here.
The reader who is especially interested in them is referred to the literature.
Kinetic vacuum systems
are characterized by a limiting pressure of 10 to
10 mm obtained by the use of extremely
fast pumps. These pumps, as well as the apparatus which they exhaust,
are usually made in the machine shop from ordinary brass and steel. The
metal is not outgassed as in static vacuum systems.
Kinetic vacuum systems
are inferior to static systems, where surface contamination must be scrupulously
avoided. They are, however, satisfactory for applications where the function
of the vacuum is to allow the unhindered motion of molecular rays, electrons,
ions, and light quanta. For example, kinetic vacuum systems have been
applied with success to the vacuum evaporation process for metalizing
large telescope mirrors, to the maintenance of vacuum in high-voltage
X-ray tubes, metal rectifier tubes, and oscillator tubes, and to the evacuation
of spectrographs.
Fig. 4 shows a kinetic
vacuum system for the metalization of glass mirrors. There are two obstacles
in the way of getting a high vacuum in such a system. First, outgassing
by heating is precluded on account of the use of wax seals and on account
of the fact that the system may contain thick glass mirrors which cannot
be safely heated. Second, there is more chance of small leaks appearing
than in a static vacuum system, since the system shown in Fig. 4 must
be repeatedly opened. The recent development of fast oil diffusion pumps,
which give the degree of vacuum required in spite of these obstacles,
has been mainly responsible for the modern extensive use of this type
of flexible vacuum system.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacstatfig2.jpg)
Fig. 4.
Diffusion pumps.
Diffusion pumps will operate only if the pressure is less than a few tenths
of a millimeter of mercury, and they operate best with a "backing pressure"
of a few hundredths of a millimeter of mercury. The necessary "backing
pressure" is obtained by mechanical pumps. The operation of a mercury
diffusion pump is illustrated in Fig. 5. The pump shown here illustrates
Langmuir's practical adaptation of Gaede's discovery of the principle
of diffusion pumping.20 The following explanation of its action
applies as well to the action of oil diffusion pumps.
A stream of mercury
vapor is obtained by heating liquid mercury in boiler B to a temperature
of about 110°C. The vapor stream which effuses from the attached chimney
is indicated by arrows. This stream forms a partition between chamber
N and chamber M. The vapor finally condenses on the water-cooled
walls of chamber N and returns under the influence of gravity to
the boiler as liquid. Gas molecules in chamber N which diffuse
into the vapor partition have a small chance of penetrating it and entering
chamber M. Rather, it is more probable that they will be carried
by the stream back into chamber N. However, gas molecules in M
which diffuse into the vapor partition are carried along by molecular
bombardment into N, where they are removed by the mechanical pump.
The pressure in N
must exceed that in M by a factor of the order of 100 if the rate
of diffusion is to be the same in both directions across the vapor partition.
Where N is evacuated by an auxiliary diffusion pump instead of
the mechanical pump, pressures of 10
mm of mercury or lower can be obtained in a tight glass apparatus connected
to M (provided mercury vapor is removed with a liquid air trap).
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig1.jpg)
5. Diagrammatic sketch of Langmuir's diffusion pump.
Mercury pumps have
been studied by many investigators 21 Figs. 6 to 12 are representative
of the designs which have evolved as a result of these studies. We will
not discuss these pumps in detail, as we are mainly interested in this
chapter in kinetic vacuum systems and oil diffusion pumps. With oil pumps
it is not uncommon to have pumping speeds of some tens or hundreds of
liters per second, whereas with mercury diffusion pumps the speeds are
ordinarily only a fraction of a liter per second up to a few liters per
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig2.jpg)
Fig. 6. Langmuir's
umbrella. pump.
The use of oils
as diffusion pump liquids. There have been many attempts to find a
substitute for mercury as a pumping medium, for the use of mercury has
one considerable disadvantage, namely, its vapor pressure is so high that
traps are required to prevent it from diffusing into the vacuum system
and destroying the vacuum. These traps, having a high resistance to the
flow of gas, choke the pump. The only widely used substitutes for mercury
are oils. The oils used for this purpose are either especially refined
petroleum oils of the naphthene type as developed by C. R. Burch,22
or they are organic compounds such as butyl phthalate as developed by
Hickman and Sanford23 of the Eastman Kodak Laboratories. Recently,
Hickman has recommended a new synthetic organic oil called Octoil, which
is claimed to be superior to butyl phthalate.24 Oils of the
type developed by Burch are manufactured under Metropolitan Vickers' patents
under the trade name of Apiezon oil.25 Similar oils are now
available in this country which yield pressures below 10-6 mm of mercury.26
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig3.jpg)
7. Crawford's diffusion pump.
Oil pumps have the
advantage over mercury pumps that they do not require traps except in
certain applications. Another advantage is that oil pumps may be fabricated
either from steel or from brass and copper, whereas metal mercury pumps
must be constructed of steel with welded joints. Brass and copper pumps
can be assembled with soft solder, except for the boiler and chimney,
where it is advisable to use silver solder. Aside from the questions of
traps and construction, the contrast between oil and mercury pumps is
less distinct. Oil pumps without traps do not give quite as low a limiting
pressure as trapped mercury pumps, although their speed may be many times
greater. If traps are used, there is probably little difference between
the limiting pressures attainable. Oi1 pumps have the advantage that a
baked-out total obstruction charcoal tube at room temperature is as effective
as a liquid air trap. However, the use of a total obstruction charcoal
trap sacrifices the higher pumping speed of the oil pump.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig4.jpg)
Fig. 8. Down-jet
diffusion pump.
It is not advisable
to use a single oil pump. One should use at least two oil pumps in series.
The second pump serves to keep the oil in the first purified. The limiting
pressure is about tenfold lower when a second pump is used. Because mercury
pumps will operate against a slightly higher back pressure than oil pumps,
there are many cases in which a single mercury diffusion pump is adequate.
Oil diffusion
pumps. Oil diffusion pumps are like mercury diffusion pumps in several
respects. They have the same functional elements-a boiler to vaporize
the oil and a chimney for conducting the vapor to the jet. The two types
of pumps are also similar in the way in which they function. The oil vapor
is protected from the ~et across the throat of the pump and condenses
on the cooled walls which form the outer boundary of the throat; and the
condensed oil drains from the condensing surface back into the boiler
by gravity. The vapor jet may be arranged in several ways: It may be directed
upward as in the upjet mercury pump shown in Fig. 5, it may be directed
downward as in the umbrella down-jet mercury pump shown in Fig. 6, or
it may project laterally as shown in Fig. 7.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig5.jpg)
9. Ruggles' and Kurth's two-stage mercury diffusion pump.
Although oil and
mercury diffusion pumps have the same functional elements, they differ
in the details of construction. The construction of oil diffusion pumps
can be carried out in an ordinary machine shop. The important considerations
for proper construction are outlined below:
1. The oil is decomposed
slightly at the working temperatures of the boiler. This decomposition
is accelerated by the higher temperature necessary when the cross section
of the boiler is not large enough to afford an adequate surface from which
to create vapor, or when the chimney and jet are not ample to deliver
the required amount of vapor without an excessively high pressure drop.
2. Since oil has
a low latent heat, the pump should be designed so that the heat required
to maintain the working temperature of the chimney and jet is supplied
by conduction from the heater rather than by condensation of oil vapor.
Naturally, copper is the best material for constructing the chimney on
account of its large heat conductivity.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig6.jpg)
Fig. 10.
3. The decomposition
of the oil is catalyzed by copper and brass and not by nickel. Accordingly,
all parts of the pump exposed to the hot oil should be nickel-plated.27
4. The amount of
oil decomposed in a given time is proportional to the amount of oil present
in the boiler. It is, therefore, advisable to have only a shallow layer
of oil in the boiler.
5. At least two single
- jet pumps in series should be used. Multiple- jet pumps are not recommended
because of the difficulty of regulating the flow of vapor to the various
jets and of supplying the necessary amount of vapor required by them without
an excessive boiler temperature.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig7.jpg)
6. Throat clearances
narrower than 1/8 inch are practical only for up-jet pumps. Condensed
oil will bridge gaps of this narrowness in pumps of the down-jet type.
7. Backward evaporation
of the oil into the pumping line should be restrained by the use of baffles.
8. Cold oil is a
better solvent for many gases and vapors than hot oil. Accordingly, the
condensed oil should be returned
to the boiler at the maximum temperature possible. Otherwise, a certain
amount of the exhaust gases and vapors dissolve in the condensed oil and
contaminate it.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig8.jpg)
Fig. 12.
9. The use of electric
heat for the boiler is advisable, since it is subject to more delicate
control than gas heat. A Carload heater unit, such as used in electric
stoves, can be re-coiled into a helix of 2 inches in outside diameter
or as a flat spiral of smaller cumenslons.
Figs. 13 to 18 illustrate
several oil pumps which are currently popular.28 The pump shown
in Fig. 13, designed by Sloan, Thornton, and Jenkins, satisfies the requirements
for good design outlined above and at the same time combines these features
together with simplicity of construction. The following description of
this pump is a quotation from a paper of Sloan, Thornton, and Jenkins.29
The Apiezon oil diffusion
pump was originally developed by the Metropolitan Vickers Company in England
for this very purpose of continuously exhausting radio tubes. The oil
is sold commercially in this country.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig9.jpg)
Fig. 13 is typical
of the simplified designs which have been widely adopted in this country.
The outer shell 2" in diameter consists of a water-jacketed brass cylinder
with a copper plate silver-soldered into its bottom. In the cavity beneath
the bottom plate is placed an electric heater which boils the Apiezon
"B" oil at less than 200°C in the chamber above. The oil vapor rises
through the copper chimney and is deflected downward by a spun copper
umbrella. The 5/16" clearance between the edge of the umbrella and the
condensing wall is not critical, although an optimum exists for any specified
set of pressures. Around the chimney is a glass heat shield, and a metal
baffle plate to retard the rise of oil vapor from the roof of the boiler,
but these can be omitted without serious consequences. The two baffles
above the umbrella prevent the escape of oil vapor directly into the region
being evacuated. The convenient baffle system shown here reduces the speed
of the pump to less than half, so that its overall speed is only thirty
liters per second. This is more than sufficient for these oscillator tubes,
since the connecting system reduces the speed to less than ten liters
per second. A pressure in the oscillators of 10-5 mm is sufficient.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig10.jpg)
Fig. 14.
Incidentally, the
same general design is also well suited to larger pumps of 4" and 6" diameter,
for use with larger tubes. The speed of an oil pump can be greatly increased
by enlarging the diameter of the overhead region which contains the baffles
necessary to guard against escaping oil vapor.
A 2-inch pump of
such construction will have a pumping speed of about 30 liters/sec., or
a speed factor slightly greater than 50 per cent.
If such a high speed
is not needed, an upjet pump may serve. Fig. 14 shows Hickman and Sanford's
all-glass design of an up-jet pump.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 15.jpg)
The McMillan jet-pump. Hole in the upper block (indicated by arrow)
1/4 inch in diameter. Outside diameter of jet 9/32 inch. Jet clearance
9/32 inch. The necessary baffles above the jet are not shown.
Fig. 15 shows an
all-metal up-jet pump designed by Edwin McMillan.30 With the
boiler temperature adjusted to give maximum pumping speed, this pump will
work at a rate of 4 liters/sec. against a backing pressure of 1/2 mm of
mercury. If the boiler temperature is too high, the action of the pump
will be erratic, since returning condensed oil interferes with the vapor
A design combining
glass and metal construction, developed by Joseph E. Henderson,31
is shown in Fig. 16. He reports this pump to be capable of working against
a backing pressure of a few tenths of a millimeter pressure in contrast
to the pressure of about mm required for oil pumps with a throat opening
of 1/8 inch or more. Pressures as low as 10
mm of mercury were obtained with it when it was operated with a charcoal
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 16.jpg)
Fig. 16
A pump designed by
Zabel with a novel oil heater added by James A. Bearden32 is
shown in Fig. 17. The advantage of a pump of this design is that it quickly
starts working after the heater is turned on.
More recently, K.
C. D. Hickman and others have experimented with pumps in which the oil
is continually purified.33 Pumps of this type are particularly
suitable for work with gases and vapors which dissolve in the oil or decompose
it. Fig. 18 shows a pump which incorporates some of the results of Hickman's
Mercury traps.
Mercury vapor diffuses from a mercury diffusion pump into the exhausted
vessel unless it is removed in a trap by condensation on a cold surface.
Besides the inconvenience and expensive necessity of requiring a refrigerant,
the use of traps has the more serious result of choking the pump. This
is especially true for big mercury pumps of high speed. For example, a
mercury pump with a speed of several hundred liters per second at its
throat may have an effective speed beyond the trap of only several tens
of liters per second.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 17.jpg)
The common trap designs
for condensing mercury and water vapors are illustrated in Fig. 19. Type
A, the simplest, is frequently used for trapping the vapors from
a McLeod gauge. It is also useful in conjunction with an ionization or
Pirani gauge for hunting leaks. Type B, the most common type, may
be conveniently constructed from metal and a simple glass tube as shown
at B', or it may be constructed as shown at B" with a separator
or baffle to cause the gas to circulate against the cold walls of the
glass tube. Both types A and B are immersed in the refrigerant
liquid. Types C, C', and C" contain their own refrigerant,
but because of inferior heat insulation these traps are less economical
to keep cold.
As refrigerant liquids
for trapping mercury-and water vapor, either liquid air or dry ice in
acetone may be used. The temperature of the former varies from -190°C.
to -183°C., depending on the extent to which the nitrogen has been
boiled out of the liquid air, leaving liquid oxygen. The temperature of
dry ice-acetone mixture is about-78°C. At the temperature of liquid
air the vapor pressure of mercury is 1.7 X 10
mm, while at-78°C. it is 3.2 X 10
mm. For trapping water, liquid air temperatures are sufficiently low.
However, since the vapor pressure of ice is about 10 mm
at-78°, the dry ice-acetone mixture is not sufficiently cold to trap
water vapor effectively. Accordingly, when this refrigerant is used for
mercury, it is necessary at the same time to expose anhydrous phosphorus
pentoxide in the vacuum in order to remove the water vapor.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 18.jpg)
Fig. 18.
The vapor pressure
of the vacuum pump oils used in roughing pumps, according to Dushman,
is 10 to 10-4
mm at ordinary temperatures, 1/5 of this value at 0°C., and negligibly
small at the temperature of dry ice or liquid air.
Carbon dioxide is
adequately trapped by traps cooled by liquid air, since its vapor pressure,
at liquid air temperature, varies from 10
mm to 10 mm. Carbon monoxide,
methane, ethane, and ethylene, having considerably higher vapor pressures,
are not effectively trapped even by a liquid air trap.
Virtual leaks.
Gases will condense when their partial pressure is above the vapor pressure
corresponding to the trap temperature. (However, they will re-evaporate
later when the pumps reduce the pressure to a sufficiently low value.)
This condensation may give rise to a virtual leak if the
trap is cooled too soon after the evacuation of a system is started. We
use the term verbal leak because the system appears to have a leak,
when it is, in fact, quite tight. As an example, consider a system with
traps cooled with a dry ice-acetone mixture but with phosphorus pentoxide
omitted. Some of the water vapor originally in the system, both in the
air and from the walls where it is held adsorbed, will be condensed in
the trap. As the evacuation of the system proceeds, the pressure will
approach a limit of 10 mm,
this being the pressure of the water vapor in the trap, and the system
will exhibit all the "symptoms" of a leak. The same effect is encountered
if liquid air is put on the system too soon. Some of the water vapor will
condense on the upper regions of the trap walls, and as the liquid air
level around the trap falls, owing to evaporation, the temperature of
the water condensed as ice will rise until it begins to sublime, producing
a virtual leak. On the one hand, these ice crystals are too cold to evaporate
rapidly and be evacuated by the system (or colder regions of the trap),
while, on the other hand, they are warm enough to degrade the vacuum.
Likewise, gases like ethylene may condense in a trap cooled by liquid
air and degrade the vacuum.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/vacdiffusfig15.jpg)
Fig. 19.
To avoid virtual
leaks, the proper procedure is to keep the traps warm until a vacuum is
obtained at which mercury begins to diffuse into the evacuated apparatus,
that is, until a pressure of about 10-2 mm is obtained. Then
the tip of the trap is cooled until the vacuum reaches its limit, ,
and finally the trap is immersed in the liquid air to the full depth.
"Oil" traps.
The vapor pressures of vacuum-pumping oils, such as Apiezon "B" oil, are
very low, but gases produced by thermal decomposition of the oil may give
rise to some deterioration of the vacuum and necessitate the use of traps.
For example, when Bearden evacuated an X-ray tube with the diffusion pump
shown in Fig. 17, he found that a carbon deposit formed on the target
of the tube.34 He found, also, that the filaments of the tube
deteriorated at an excessive rate. However, the-use of a refrigerated
trap greatly reduced these effects. The trap he used was cooled with dry
ice in alcohol.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig 19.jpg)
The trap shown in
Fig. 20 was designed by Hickman for diffusion pumps which use Octoil.35
According to him, it is sufficient to cool the trap with running water.
Electric refrigerator units are sometimes used to trap vapors from oil
pumps. These are, naturally, justified only in large and permanent installations.
In ordinary experimental
work, charcoal traps are satisfactory for use with oil diffusion pumps.
Several charcoal trap designs are shown in Fig. 21. Of these, the total
obstruction trap, A, is the most effective, although it has the
highest resistance, W, for the gases passing through it. Becker
and Jaycox suggested a trap of type A. They found that a charcoal
trap removed oil and condensable vapors to such a degree that an ionization
gauge indicated a "pressure" as low as 10
mm of mercury.3636 This has been confirmed by Joseph E. Henderson.37
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 21.jpg)
Fig. 21.
When charcoal traps
become charged with oil and vapors, it is necessary to bake them out.
Becker and Jaycox observed that condensed pump oils are decomposed by
baking them in contact with charcoal, and that the decomposition products
are gases.
Construction of
kinetic vacuum systems. Glass was formerly used extensively for the
construction of vacuum apparatus, but now metal has replaced it for many
uses. Glass as a construction material is characterized by its transparency,
high electrical insulating quality, and by the fact that it is easily
cleaned and may be baked out and sealed off to give a more or less permanent
vacuum. Also, auxiliary parts can be welded to an apparatus without the
use of any gaskets or sealing wax. These welds are easily tested for leaks
with a spark.
Unfortunately, large
and complicated apparatus is difficult to construct from glass. On the
other hand, large vacuum systems made of metal are not fragile, and repairs
and alterations on them can be easily made in the machine shop.
The metal most frequently
used is yellow brass. A vacuum-tight apparatus can be made from plates
and cylinders of this metal, screwed together and "painted" on the outside
with beeswax and rosin mixture; or the plates, cylinders, and so forth,
may be fitted together with rubber or lead fuse-wire gaskets. The brass
parts may also be soft-soldered or silver-soldered, depending on the temperature
resistance and strength required.
Steel apparatus may
be soft-soldered, silver-soldered, brazed, or welded. Electric welding
is quite satisfactory for vacuum work if it is done in two or three "passes"
with shielded electrodes. It is generally less subject to leaks than gas
welding, and it does not warp the work as much. Steel vacuum tanks, especially
if they are rusty, are sometimes coated on the inside with Apiezon wax
"W" to stop leaks as well as to offer a surface which does not give off
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 22.jpg)
Since metal vacuum
walls outgas more than glass, small leaks are more difficult to find.
It is a common procedure to coat the outside of metal apparatus with lacquer,
which seals small leaks and at the same time gives a workmanlike appearance
to the apparatus. Glyptal is heat resistant. For example, it may even
be used for coating the outside surfaces of diffusion-pump boilers.
Many things are exposed
in kinetic vacuum systems which one would not expose in static vacuum
systems. Chief among them are rubber (especially as used for gaskets),
waxed packing, beeswax and rosin mixture, Apiezon wax, and ordinary machined
metal parts which are not outgassed.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 23.jpg)
Fig. 23.
Wood, paints and
varnishes, porous cements, and rust should not be exposed even in a kinetic
vacuum system.
Rubber hose may be
used for connections, and with a pinch clamp it serves as a venting device.
Rubber should not be exposed to high vacuum if pressures of the order
of 10 or less are desired.
Joints. Two
tubes of glass or metal may be butt-joined by slipping a wide rubber band
over them. The rubber surface, including the junctions of the rubber to
the tubes, is painted with several coats of shellac as shown in Fig. 22.
This type of joint is easily disconnected. For small tubes, a short length
of rubber hose makes a convenient connection. Rubber tape or strips of
raw rubber may also be used. Inasmuch as rubber is somewhat permeable
to some gases and gives off hydrogen sulphide and other vapors in vacuum,
the connected tubes should always fit together neatly to decrease the
area of rubber exposed. The joint may be first wrapped with sheet aluminum
and then withrubber.38 This procedure decreases the area of
rubber exposed. If any considerable area of rubber is exposed, it is advisable
to boil it in a 15 per cent caustic solution (potassium hydroxide or sodium
hydroxide) to dissolve free sulphur aild remove talc from its surface.
It is then washed with water and dried, either with alcohol or by a vacuum
pump If rubber tubing becomes porous and checked with age, it should be
painted on the outside with castor oil.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 24.jpg)
Two metal tubes may
be joined with flanges which are sealed with a tongue and groove joint
fitted with a rubber gasket as shown in Fig, 23. This construction is
recommended where mechanical strength is desired and also where the joint
must withstand moderate internal pressure. The tongue should have the
same thickness as the groove to within a few thousandths of an inch, so
that the rubber I gasket will not extrude as the pressure for fitting
the joint is applied. The gasket is cut from a sheet of packing with a
cutter like the one shown. The rubber gasket is used dry, and if the tongue
and groove have bright smooth surfaces, the joint is sure to be free from
leaks. Furthermore, the joint exposes very little rubber surface to the
vacuum system.
In another type of
joint, shown in Fig. 24, a lead fuse wire can be used as a gasket instead
of rubber. The gasket in this case is a loop of 20-ampere fuse wire, butt-welded
by means of the heat from a match and a little soldering flux. The circumference
of this loop is made slightly shorter than required and is stretched into
the groove to make a snug fit. The pressure applied in the flange flows
the lead into intimate contact with the two elements of the joint. Lead-wire
joints can be used on systems to operate at elevated temperatures, since
they will hold to higher temperatures than tongue and groove joints sealed
with rubber. A lead gasket of this type is used on the 40-inch bell jar
for aluminizing astronomical mirrors as shown in Fig. 13 of Coating
of Surfaces: Evaporation and Sputtering. This particular joint has
been made more than a hundred times, and it has been consistently vacuum-tight.
Aluminum wire holds to even higher temperatures.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 25.jpg)
Fig. 25.
Seals. It
is frequently necessary to make a vacuum-tight seal between a glass bell
jar and a metal base plate. Formerly, stopcock grease was used, applied
to the foot of the bell jar This type of seal was not always tight, and
the grease frequently entered the apparatus and contaminated exposed surfaces.
A better procedure is to use wax instead of stopcock grease. The bell
jar is set on the base plate, both the foot of the bell jar and the base
plate being clean and dry. Beeswax and rosin mixture, smoking hot, is
then applied with a medicine dropper to the outer edge of the bell-jar
flange to effect the seal, as illustrated by Fig. 25. The bell jar can
be removed from the base plate in the following manner: After-scraping
away the wax with a putty knife, loosen the jar by striking a sharp blow
at the top with the palm of the hand or by driving a razor blade gently
under the edge of the jar. If a metal bell jar is used, a recess may be
provided so that the seal can be cracked by prying with a screw driver
after as much of the wax as possible has been scraped away.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 26.jpg)
Windows may be sealed
over observation ports in a similar manner. The wax is applied with the
medicine dropper, and the seal is effected without sensibly heating either
the port or the window.
Windows may be sealed
with hard wax. It is necessary to heat both the port and the window to
temperatures above 100°C. when hard waxes such as Apiezon "W," Picein,
shellac, or DeKhotinsky wax are used. First the window and port are carefully
cleaned, and then the window is clamped in the desired position. After
being heated to the required temperature, the wax is applied to the outside
edge of the window, from where it will be drawn between the window and
the port by capillary force. The wax drawn under the window forms a thin
bonding layer of large area, which exposes a minimum surface of wax to
the vacuum. (See Fig. 26.)
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 27.jpg)
Fig. 27.
Fig. 27 shows the
procedure for sealing two glass tubes together with Picein wax to form
a butt joint or telescope joint. The procedure here is to wrap a soft
strip of Picein around the warmed glass tubes. This strip is molded from
a stick of wax after it is thoroughly softened. The stick of wax is softened
by alternately heating it in a Bunsen flame until its surface is liquid
and withdrawing it to cool until its surface solidifies. When the strip
is ready and while it is still soft it is wrapped around the warmed joint
and molded as shown in Fig. 27. The wax will not stick to the fingers
if they are damp. After the glass and wax are cool, a flame is applied
to fuse the wax superficially and insure tangential contact to the tubing.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 28.jpg)
In the chapter on glass blowing, we discussed the construction details
for leading electrical conductors into glass apparatus. In a kinetic vacuum
system, electrodes are usually fastened through holes in a metal wall.
Construction details are shown in Fig. 28 for high-current conductors
and in Fig. 29 for high-potential conductors. The high-current conductor
or electrode consists of a brass screw bolted into the vacuum wall, the
head and body of the screw being insulated from the metal vacuum wall
with mica. After the insulation has been tested with a lamp, the whole
assembly is made vacuum-tight by coating the screwhead, insulation, and
the local area of the outside surface of the vacuum wall with beeswax
and rosin mixture or with glyptal lacquer. Beeswax and rosin mixture is
used if the operation temperature is about room temperature. Glyptal,
after baking to polymerize it, is used for operation temperatures up to
about 100°.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 29.jpg)
Fig. 29.
electrode just described does not have high insulating qualities. Where
better insulation is needed, a capillary glass tube is used in either
of the ways shown in Fig. 29. In either case the electrode is easily removable
for cleaning off condensed metallic vapors, for replacement of the glass,
and so forth. If the conductor wire is tungsten, it may be sealed directly
to the Pyrex capillary. The capillary, with its central conductor, is
first sealed in a bored machine screw with pure shellac or DeKhotinsky
wax. This is then screwed through the walls of the vacuum system and made
tight with beeswax and rosin mixture applied on the outside.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 30.jpg)
Valves. Valves
are used on the low-vacuum side of diffusion pumps to prevent oil in the
mechanical pumps from flowing into the other parts of the apparatus. Between
the diffusion pumps and the apparatus, large valves are useful to allow
by-passing the diffusion pumps. For example, in the vacuum system shown
in Fig. 4, a large 4-inch valve makes it possible to open up the mail
vacuum chamber and re-evacuate it without destroying the vacuum in the
diffusion pumps. Valves between various parts of a large vacuum system
facilitate narrowing the search for leaks, since one part after another
can be isolated.
The simplest valve
for venting a vacuum system is a short length of rubber hose and a pinch
clamp. Rubber vacuum hose is now available in sizes up to 1 inch in diameter.39
This large hose may be used in short lengths on the high vacuum side of
the diffusion pump when the pumps have a high capacity and when a vacuum
of only 10-4 is desired. Usually, however, it is advisable
to confine the use of rubber hose to the low-vacuum side of the diffusion
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 31.jpg)
Fig. 31. Hoffman
packless valve
Ordinary plumbing
valves can be modified for use in high-vacuum work. The glands are repacked
with twine soaked in Apiezon compound beeswax, stopcock grease, or universal
wax. Since the rubber gaskets supplied in these valves are often too hard
for vacuum work, it is necessary to replace them with softer rubber. It
is advisable to make a new end for the valve so that the new gasket rubber
can be retained in a groove. The outside of the valve may be painted with
shellac or glyptal lacquer as insurance against leaks, it may be coated
with Apiezon wax "W," or it may be tinned. DuMond and Rose have described
valves equipped with a sylphon bellows as a substitute for a packing gland.40
This is illustrated in Fig. 30. A packless valve of this type manufactured
by the Hoffman Company can be readily adapted to vacuum work as shown
in Fig. 31.41
Ordinary stopcocks
can be sealed with stopcock grease for use in a high-vacuum system. Stopcock
grease is made by digesting 1 part pale crepe rubber cut in small pieces
with 1 part Apiezon compound "M." This digestion is carried out in a balloon
flask with prolonged mechanical stirring at an elevated temperature obtained
by means of a water or steam bath.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 32.jpg)
32. Zaikowsky stopcock. U.S. Patent 2000552
When it is necessary
to avoid grease on a stopcock, bankers' sealing wax, Apiezon wax "W,"
or Picein can be used.42 Of these waxes, Picein exhibits the
best body. With any one of them the valve is warmed until the wax becomes
plastic each time that it is turned. (See Fig. 32.) Stopcocks may be lubricated
with dry graphite and sealed with mercury.
Mechanical motion.
Mechanical motion can be introduced into a vacuum system through nonferrous
vacuum walls with a magnet. An armature or bar magnet is fastened to the
moving part inside the system and actuated by an electromagnet outside.
The armature can be hermetically sealed in a glass tube to avoid outgassing.
A metal bellows can
be used to introduce the reciprocating or oscillating motion of a lever.43
When the end of the lever executes a circular motion, this motion can
be transformed into rotation inside the vacuum.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 33.jpg)
Fig. 33.
Van de Graaf has
developed the high-speed sealed shaft shown in Fig. 33. The packing used
is Apiezon grease "M" charged with graphite and the pumping action of
the right- and left-handed screws, cut on the shaft, prevents the extrusion
of the packing compound.
Mechanical motion
can be introduced through an ordinary packing gland packed with cotton
twine soaked in Apiezon compound "Q" as shown in Fig. 4.
Leaks. In
planning a metal vacuum system, a part of the construction cost should
be set aside to provide suitable fittings, plugs, plates, and tie bolts.
The use of these makes it possible to pump air or hydrogen into separate
compartments of the apparatus until the pressure is 50 or 100 lbs./square
inch. For detecting leaks the pumped-up compartment is submerged in water
or painted with liquid soap solution. Hydrogen, which may be used instead
of air to pump up the apparatus, has the advantage over air that it diffuses
through small holes approximately four times faster. When leaks are found,
they may be repaired by welding or soldering or by merely peening the
surface. After the whole apparatus is put together, the outside of the
system is coated with several layers of glyptal varnish, alternating the
color of the varnish coats, say blue and red, to facilitate complete coverage
with each one of them. If possible, the coating is baked at a temperature
of about 120°C.
Leaks are usually
found in a glass apparatus by passing the ungrounded high-potential electrode
of a spark coil or high-frequency coil over the surface of the glass.
When the electrode comes near the leaking channel, a spark jumps to it
and causes residual gas inside the apparatus to become luminous. As a
safety precaution, a spark gap of 4 to 2 inch should be connected in parallel
with the electrode and the ground to prevent an excessive potential which
might puncture the glass.
Leaks in metal apparatus
which are not detected by immersing the apparatus in water or painting
it with soap solution are more difficult to locate. In general, the procedure
for finding them involves covering the walls of the apparatus with a liquid
which solidifies, with water, or with a gas. In any case, while the search
is in progress, the apparatus is maintained at the lowest pressure possible.
If a liquid covering
is used, it is applied to local areas in progression until the offending
region is located. As covering one may use a molten mixture of beeswax
and resin, or it may be a thick solution of either shellac in alcohol
or glyptal lacquer brushed on the walls, or it may be cellulose acetate
solution sprayed on the walls. When a solution of shellac (or lacquer)
is applied to the outside of a leaking channel, the solution is drawn
into the channel by the vacuum. As the solvent evaporates from this solution
into the vacuum chamber, the liquid in the channel congeals. Thus, the
leaking channel is, in effect, filled with a solid shellac core. The amount
of solvent passing into the vacuum through this core is negligible in
cases where the procedure is suitable.
When the leak is
covered with the solution, the vacuum usually improves at once. This improvement
may be indicated by the disappearance of luminosity in a connected discharge
tube and finally by sparking across an alternate gap. If an ionization
or Pirani vacuum gauge is used, covering of the leak is indicated by motion
of the spot of light on the scale of the instrument.
The general region
in which leaks are located may be determined by temporarily covering the
region with water. As the vapor pressure of water is only about 1/30 of
an atmosphere, the leak may be expected to be attenuated 30-fold when
it is covered.
The third procedure
for finding leaks involves covering general regions of the apparatus with
gas, carbon dioxide for the top parts, since it is heavier than air, and
illuminating gas for the bottom. Webster has described the use of a rubber
"coffer dam" to facilitate the management of the gas.44 Illuminating
gas may be blown on various parts of the apparatus from a hose, or the
surface may be gone over with a wad of cotton wet with ether. Evidence
that the leak is admitting gas instead of air is a change in character
of the luminescence in a discharge tube connected to the apparatus or
a change in reading of a vacuum gauge separated from the apparatus by
a liquid air trap.
There are two procedures
for using a discharge tube with illuminating gas, carbon dioxide, or ether.
By the first, the obtainable vacuum is necessarily so poor, on account
of the leak, that a distinct discharge is obtained. When the leak is covered,
the luminosity in the positive column changes from the brownish-red color
characteristic of air to the bluish-green of carbon dioxide or to the
white of gas and ether. By the second procedure, used when the leak is
small and a lower pressure is attainable in the system, the luminosity
in the discharge is feeble. Webster suggests connecting the discharge
tube behind one of the diffusion pumps as shown in Fig. 4. The backing
pumps are then shut off, preferably just behind the discharge tube connection.
The diffusion pump compresses the gas which the leak may be admitting,
resulting in a more brilliant luminescence in the discharge tube.
A liquid air trap
may be connected between the apparatus and a vacuum when carbon dioxide
or other condensable gases are used. With this arrangement, when the leak
is admitting carbon dioxide, the trap condenses this gas, thus preventing
it from entering the gauge. At the same time air and other gases which
do not condense in the trap are removed by the pumps. As a result, even
though the pressure in the system may have increased, an improvement of
the vacuum is indicated.
Obviously, a gauge
which reads continuously (Knudsen, Pirani, or ionization gauge) is preferred
to a McLeod gauge for hunting leaks. Relative rather than absolute readings
of the pressure are sufficient for locating leaks. Thus, the Pirani and
ionization gauges are satisfactory, although they do not give absolute
pressure determinations.
Vacuum gauges.
A vacuum gauge determines the pressure in an evacuated apparatus by a
measurement of some physical property of the residual gases, such as viscosity,
heat conductivity, and so forth. The measurement of the response of a
gauge to the residual gas naturally becomes more delicate as the gas becomes
more and more tenuous. Finally, below a certain pressure limit (which
is characteristic of a given gauge) the gauge does not behave measurably
different from what it would if the vacuum were perfect. For example,
a discharge tube will give qualitative indications of pressure down to
about 10 mm of mercury. Below
this pressure the tube becomes nonluminous and nonconducting. The characteristic
limits for some of the other Eauzes are as follows:
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/tbl-01.jpg) |
The operation of
the McLeod gauge depends on a definite volume of residual gases being
compressed, so that as the volume decreases, the pressure is increased
to a value at which the hydrostatic head of mercury can be measured with
an ordinary scale.
The ionization gauge
measures with a galvanometer the positive ions that are formed in an electric
field when the residual gas is bombarded with electrons. The Langmuir
gauge depends on the measurement of viscosity, and the Pirani gauge on
the measurement of heat conduction of the residual gas. The Knudsen absolute
manometer measures the momentum transferred from a hot to a cold surface
by the gas molecules.
Of the above gauges,
only the McLeod and Knudsen are absolute manometers in the sense that
their geometry and other measurable characteristics of construction and
operation determine their response at a given pressure. The McLeod gauge
is the simplest and most reliable for permanent gases, but it has the
disadvantage of giving erratic response or no response at all to water
vapor, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and pump oil vapors which adsorb on the
walls of the gauge or condense to a liquid. This disadvantage is serious,
inasmuch as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and so forth are often of importance
in the last stages of obtaining a high vacuum. The Knudsen gauge responds
to gases and vapors alike.
The response of an
ionization gauge is difficult to predict from its construction details,
and it must be calibrated with a McLeod gauge using permanent gases. Furthermore,
before the pressure can be inferred, it is necessary to make corrections
for the molecular weight of the gas and also for the possibility that
the gas may be dissociated by the electron bombardment. Quantitative application
of the gauge is unreliable to the degree to which these corrections are
uncertain. Likewise, the response of the Pirani gauge depends on the molecular
weight of the residual gas, and it must be calibrated with a McLeod gauge
that uses permanent gases. The same is true for the viscosity gauge.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 34.jpg)
The McLeod gauge.45
Although many improvements have been made in the McLeod gauge, they have
seldom been applied The gauge as ordinarily used today is essentially
the same as it was
originally. We will discuss here the simple form of the gauge illustrated
in Fig. 34. It is made of glass as shown and is mounted on a vertical
board. The difference in the heights of the mercury levels in the gauge
and in the reservoir is approximately equal to the barometric pressure
B. As the reservoir is raised, the mercury level in the gauge comes
above the Y-branch, thus isolating a definite volume V1
of the residual gas. This is isolated at the unknown pressure ,
the pressure of the residual gas in the apparatus to which the gauge is
connected. As the mercury reservoir is further raised, the isolated residual
gas is compressed, and when its volume has been reduced to a volume ,
the pressure is great enough to produce a sensible difference in the height
of the mercury meniscus in the two capillaries, A and B.
At the left, in Fig. 34, the mercury levels are shown at the beginning
of a measurement, and at the right they are shown in two different positions
corresponding to two methods of making readings. In one, if the meniscus
in B is adjusted to the same height as the top of capillary A,
the final volume, , is equal
to , when
is the cross-section area of the capillary. The decrease in volume from
V1 to
is ordinarily of the order of onehundred-thousandfold, with a corresponding
increase of pressure in the capillary over that which obtained originally.
The construction of the gauge with the comparison capillary B of
identical bore with A eliminates the necessity of making corrections
for surface tension. Referring to Eq. 1, we see that the product V11
is, in this case, a constant. The original product, V1,
is equal to the final product, ![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/charpsub2.gif) .
From this we get the expression connecting the unknown pressure with the
observed manometer difference, :
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/eqn14.gif) |
and are constants of the
gauge determined when it is constructed.
is obtained by measuring the length of a known volume or weight of mercury
in the capillary. V1 is determined by filling the gauge
with mercury. These original data may be recorded on the board to which
the gauge is attached. Here they will not be lost. Values of
determined by Eq. 14 are usually laid off on a nonlinear scale, which
is mounted behind capillary A in order that pressures may be read
The second procedure
of making the observations on
and is illustrated at
the right in Fig. 34. The gas is compressed to a definite mark on capillary
A at a distance Aho from the top, so that the final volume, ,
is the same for every measurement. The final pressure necessary to compress
volume V1 to
is , and the pressure
in the system is determined
by these quantities, according to the following equation:
A linear pressure
scale computed from this formula is ordinarily mounted behind capillary
The McLeod gauge
is thoroughly reliable for the permanent gases from 10
mm to 10-4 mm of mercury. It is less reliable to 10 .
Below this the indications are only qualitative, and at 10
the mercury often sticks in the top of capillary A.
The gauge is most
reliable after it has been outgassed by gently warming it with a soft
flame. Three gauges with different values of V1 are
necessary to cover adequately the complete pressure range from 10
to 10 mm. Many of the designs of
McLeod gauges are more elaborate than the one shown in Fig. 34. For example,
three bulbs may be mounted together with one reservoir, one for low pressures,
one for intermediate pressures, and one for high pressures.
The McLeod gauge
is fragile. If it breaks, not only is the gauge lost but what is often
more serious, mercury may get into the vacuum system. In glass vacuum
systems using mercury pumps this is not as serious as it may be in kinetic
vacuum systems. These systems, fabricated of brass with soft-soldered
joints, are attacked by mercury and the joints are destroyed.
Accidents with this
gauge are usually caused by bringing the reservoir up too quickly. Then
mercury in V1 acquires enough momentum to shatter the
bulb when the metal surface arrives at the opening of the capillary tube
with no cushion of air to soften the shock.
Admitting air into
the vacuum system is to be avoided when the mercury is not completely
out of V1. The admission of air will have the same result
as carelessness in raising the reservoir.
Sometimes a mercury
pellet will remain in capillary A when the reservoir is lowered. It can
usually be brought down by tapping the capillary (after the mercury is
all out of V1). If this treatment fails, the capillary
should be heated with a soft gas flame. In the latter case, a sheet of
asbestos is placed behind the capillary to protect the calibration scale
from the flame.
The capillary tubes
used for the construction of McLeod gauges are seldom larger than 2 or
3 mm or smaller than 1/2 mm bore. The volume of the bulb, V1,
ordinarily varies from 50 to 500 cc. Only pure distilled mercury should
be used. Mercury is attacked by the sulphur present in rubber hose, so
that dross is produced which adheres to the inside of the gauge and may
become very annoying. A gauge contaminated with this sulphide may be cleaned
out by the combined action of zinc dust and nitric acid. Rubber hose for
use on a gauge should be cleaned before it is used by passing hot caustic
potash solution back and forth through it for a quarter of an hour or
so. The tubing should be thoroughly washed free of caustic and dried before
In cases where it
is necessary to avoid contamination of the vacuum system with mercury
vapor, a liquid air trap should be connected between the vacuum system
and the gauge. For kinetic vacuum systems this precaution is often omitted.
A stopcock between the gauge and the system which is kept closed when
the gauge is not in use minimizes contamination.
The ionization
gauge.46 Ionization gauges are triodes mounted in a glass
bulb connected to the apparatus in which the pressure is to be measured.
They are electrically connected as shown in Fig. 35.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig 35.jpg)
Fig. 35.
Electrons emitted
from the filament are accelerated to the grid, and their momentum would
carry them to the plate if an inverse field more than sufficient to prevent
this were not impressed between the grid and the plate. They therefore
return to the grid and are finally collected on it. However, while they
are between the grid and the plate, they bombard and ionize some of the
molecules of the residual gas present there. These ions are collected
on the plate and measured with a sensitive galvanometer. The ratio o ~of
this ion current to the current of bombarding electrons or grid current
is proportional to the pressure at pressures below about 10-4
An ionization gauge
may be made from an ordinary three-element radio tube equipped with a
glass connection to the vacuum system. Such gauges are useful for the
pressure range from 10-3 mm to 10-6 mm of mercury.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 36.jpg)
Fig. 36.
Fig. 36 shows the
construction details of a gauge designed to have higher insulation of
the-plate than an ordinary radio tube. Measurements with it are possible
to a pressure of 10-9 mm of mercury. The upper end of a glass
bulb supports the plate assembly, while the lower end supports the combined
grid and filament assembly. The grid is made from a piece of nickel screen
rolled to form a cylinder. This is bound mechanically to the central glass
tube through the bottom by wrapping it with wire, and it is connected
electrically to the grid electrode with one loose end of the wrapping
wire. There are two filaments, but only one is used. The other is held
in reserve to be used if the first is accidentally burned out. The filaments
may be replaced by cutting the central tube at S.
Expensive auxiliary
electrical instruments are required for this gauge. They should be protected
with Littelfuses as shown in the wiring diagram (Fig. 35).
The plate may be
outgassed with high-frequency currents or by electron bombardment. In
the latter case, an alternating potential of 500 volts is applied between
the filaments and the plate. The amount of heat developed depends on the
emission from the filament, and this is controlled by the filament current.
Outgassing of the plate and glass walls of the gauge is necessary if quantitative
measurements are to be made. However, for hunting leaks it is necessary
only to outgas the plate once.
Dunnington has made
a gauge using 30-mil helices of tungsten wire for both plate and grid.
These helices are outgassed simply by passing a current through them for
a few seconds. He found that such a gauge did not have a linear relationship
between pressure and ratio of plate to grid currents. Once calibrated,
however, it was found to be very reliable.
At a given pressure,
the ratio of plate to grid current is different for different values of
the grid current. For this reason, it is necessary to adjust the grid
current to some definite value, usually in the range of 10 to 50 milliamperes.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 37.jpg)
Fig. 37.
The Pirani gauge.47
The Pirani gauge consists of a heated filament of platinum, tungsten,
or some other metal with a high temperature coefficient of electrical
resistance. The filament is exposed to the residual gases and is cooled
by them. The temperature of the filament is determined by the heat conductivity
of the residual gas, which, in turn, depends on the pressure. The filament
may be operated in several ways. The most satisfactory method is to connect
the filament to one arm of a Wheatstone bridge and heat it by a constant
current as shown in Fig. 37. If the bridge is balanced at one temperature
of the filament, a change of its temperature caused by a change in the
heat conductivity of the residual gases will unbalance it. Thus, the deflection
of the bridge galvanometer indicates the pressure of the residual gases.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 38.jpg)
Ordinarily, the filament
is mounted in a bulb fitted with a connecting tube and is balanced with
an identical compensating filament mounted in an adjacent arm of the bridge.
This auxiliary bulb is evacuated and sealed off at a very low pressure.
The use of an auxiliary bulb serves to make the gauge insensitive to variations
in room temperature. Changes in the over-all temperature of one bulb are
the same as changes in the other, so that the galvanometer does not respond
to these changes but only to the changes produced by the residual gas
in the one bulb.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 39.jpg)
Fig. 39.
Fig. 38 shows a calibration
curve of a Pirani gauge manufactured by E. Leybold Nachfolger. The pressure
range over which it is useful extends from 1/10 mm to 10-4
The construction
of the Pirani gauge, together with the theory of its use, is treated in
detail by several authors, who should be consulted by anyone planning
to use the gauge for quantitative measurement. A gauge useful for qualitative
work, as for hunting leaks, can be improvised from two ordinary 20- to
40-watt vacuum tungsten lamps, one of which is fitted with a connecting
tube. Fig. 39 shows the construction details for this gauge. The bridge
galvanometer should have a sensitivity of about 10-8 ampere
division. Sometimes uncertain contact to the supporting wires may cause
variable heat loss from the filament, and this should be suspected if
the gauge is erratic. Tapping will often define the contact.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 40.jpg)
The Langmuir gauge.48
Langmuir's viscosity gauge is made with a flattened quartz fiber about
50 thick
and from five to ten times as wide. This quartz ribbon is about 5 cm long
and is mounted in one end of a glass tube about 25 mm in diameter, as
shown in Fig. 40. When this ribbon is set vibrating in a high vacuum,
the amplitude changes very slowly because the damping by the residual
gas is almost negligible, and, owing to the low internal viscosity of
fused quartz, the loss of vibrational energy from this source is also
low. From atmospheric pressure down to a few millimeters of mercury, the
damping produced by the molecules of the residual gas is nearly independent
of pressure. Over the transition range of pressure, where the damping
varies from this constant value to zero, the time required for the amplitude
of vibration to decrease to half is an index of the pressure. Within this
range the relation between the time, t, the pressure, P,
and the molecular weight of the residual gas is given by the following
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/eqn16.gif) |
Here a and
b are constants of the gauge. The value of the ratio b/a may
be obtained by observing the damping time, ,
for an essentially perfect vacuum, that is, a pressure of 10-6
mm or less. For this pressure the left side of Eq. 16 can be set equal
to zero. The values of a and b are determined from a second
measurement of the time
at a definite pressure .
This pressure is determined with a McLeod gauge. M is approximately
29 for air. The gauge may also be calibrated by subjecting it to saturated
mercury vapor at a definite temperature at which the vapor pressure of
mercury is known. The range over which the gauge is most useful lies between
the pressures 2 X 10-2 and 5 X 10-5.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 41.jpg)
Fig. 41.
A feature of this
gauge is its small volume. Because there are no metal parts exposed, the
gauge is suitable for measuring the pressure of corrosive gases like the
halogens. This gauge, in conjunction with a McLeod gauge, may be used
for measuring the molecular weight of an unknown gas at low pressures.
The flat quartz fibers
may be obtained by drawing them out of the side rather than the end of
a quartz tube or by following the technique given in Chapter V.
Figs. 40 and 41 show
construction details and the method of mounting the fiber together with
a pivoted glass tube, which contains an iron armature operated by an external
electromagnet, to start the fiber vibrating. An optical arrangement for
observing the amplitude of vibration is also shown. An image of the quartz
fiber is projected on a scale with a simple lens.
![](/file/16516/Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso/amsci01/tblib/vacuum/fig. 42.jpg)
The Knudsen gauge.49
Fig. 42 shows the Knudsen gauge as designed by DuMond. When this gauge
is constructed according to the specifications outlined by him, it is
claimed to have a definite sensitivity, so that no preliminary McLeod
calibration for it is needed. The gauge shown here differs slightly from
DuMond's design in that it is equipped with a permanent (Alnico) magnet
for damping.
Also, it has a special
liquid air trap for determining what fraction of the pressure indication
is produced by condensable vapors.
The Knudsen gauge
is to be preferred to the McLeod gauge where it is important to avoid
contaminating a vacuum system with mercury. No expensive auxiliary instruments
are required with the Knudsen gauge, as with the ionization gauge. Furthermore,
the filaments will not burn out and the suspension is not delicate.
It is advisable to
modify DuMond's design so that all connections and supports fasten to
one end plate. This facilitates making repairs. The metal case thus becomes,
in effect, a water-cooled covering "bell jar" fitted with a window.
1 This
chapter is intended primarily to supplement the works on vacuum technique
as listed: Dunyoer, L., Vacuum Practice. New York: D. Van Nostrand
and Company, 1926. Dushman, S., Frank. Inst., J., 211, 689
(1931).Dushman, S., High Vacuum. Schenectady: General Electric
Company, 1922. Goetz, A., Physik und Technik des Hochvakuums. Aktges.
Braunchweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1926. Kaye, G. W. C., High
Vacua. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1927. Newman, F. H.,
The Production and Measurement of Low Pressures. New York: D. Van
Nostrand and Company, 1925.
2 p is
usually expressed by physicists in millimeters of mercury pressure. Other
units are the following:1 millibar = 0.75mm-1 Tor = 1mm
-1 micron = 10-6mm
3 Meyer,
O., and Maxwell, James Clerk, Pogg. Ann., 125, 40, 546 (1865) 143,
14 (1871)
O., Akad.Wiss., 65, 2, 45 (1872). 5
Ho, T. L., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 3, 133 (1932).
6 Knudsen,
M., Ann. d. Physik, 28, 75, 999 (1908).This formula applies when
d is less than the mean free path.
7 Klose,
W., Phys.. Zeits., 31, 503 (1930).
8 Dushman,
S. Phys. Rev., 5, 225 (1915).
9 The
series High-vac, Mega-vao, and IIyper-vac is supplied by the Central Scientific
Company, Chicago, Illinois. The Leybold vacuum pumps are handled in this
country by James G. Biddle Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Extremely
fast mechanical pumps are manufactured by the Kinney Manufacturing Company,
3541 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts.
10 See
footnote 1.
11 R.
G. Sherwood's report on decomposition of glass: Am. Chem. Soc., J.,
40, 1645 (1918); Phys. Rev., 12, 448 (1918).
12 'These
metals may be obtained from the Eisler Corporation, Newark, New Jersey.
13 Langmuir,
I., Amer. Inst. Elect. Engin., Proc., 32, 1921 (1913).
14 S.
P. Sweetser's results are reviewed in Dushman's High Vacuum, page
15 Norton,
F. J., and Marshall, A. L., Reprint No. 613, General Electric Company
16 Andrews,
M. R., and Bacon, J. S., "Systematic Investigation of the Action of Getters
in Sealed Tubes," Am. Chem. Soc., J., 53, 1674 (1931).
17 Langmnir,
I., Am. Chem. Soc., J., 37, 1139 (1915); Indust. and Engin.
Chem., 1, 348 (1915).
18 Dushman,
S., Frank. Inst., J., 211, 737 (1931).
19 A drying
agent which has the advantage of being solid when it is saturated as well
as when it is " dry " is magnesium perchlorate. This chemical is manufactured
by the Arthur H. Thomas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
20 Langmnir,
I., Phys. Rev., 8, 48 (1916). Gaede, W., Ann. d. Physik, 46,
357 (1915).
21 Grawford,
W. W., Phys. Rev., 10, 558 (1917). Klumb, H., Zeits. f. techn.
Physik, 17, 201 (1936). Molthan, W., Zeits. f. techn. Physik, 7,
377, 452 (1926). Stintzing, H., Zeits. f. techn. Physik, 3,
369 (1922). See the references to vacuum technique given in footnote 1,
and other references cited herein. See also catalogues of E. Leybold Nachfolger.
Gacde, W., Zeits. f. techn. Physik, 4, 337 (1923). Ho, T. L.,
Rev. Sci. Instruments, 3, 133 (1932); Physics, 2, 386 (1932).
22 Burch,
C. R., Nature, 122, 729 (1928); Roy. Soc., Proc., 123, 271
23 Hickman,
K. C. D., and Sanford, C. R., Rev. Sci. Instruments, l, 140 (1930).
24 Hickman,
K. C. D., Frank. Inst., J., 221, 215, 383 (1936).
25 This
oil may be obtained from the James G. Biddle Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
25 Relative
to pump oils see the following: von Brandenstein, Maruscha, and Klumb,
H., Phys. Zeits., 33, 88 (1932). Klumb, H., and Glimm, H. O., Phys.
Zeits., 34, 64 (1933). These oils may be obtained from Litton Laboratories
Redwood City, California, and the Central Scientific Company, Chicago,
27 Privately
communicated: Charles V. Litton, Engineering Laboratories, Redwood City,
28 References
to pumps having interesting oonstruotion but not represented here include
the following: Copley, M. J., Simpson, O. C., Tenney, H. M., and Pllipps,
T. E., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 265, 361 (1935). Esterman, I.,
and Byok, H. T., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 3, 482 (1932). Ho, T. L.,
Rev. Sci. Instrumente, 3, 133 (1932); Physics, 2, 386 (1932).
29 Sloan,
D H., Thornton, R. L., and Jenking, F. A., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6,
80 (1935).
30 Privately
31 Henderson,
Joseph E., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 66 (1935).
32 Bearden,
J. A., Rev. Sci. Instrurnents, 6, 276 (1935). Zabel, R. M., Rev.
Sci. Instruments, 6, 54 (1935).
33 See
footnote 24.
34 Bearden,
J. A., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 276 (1935).
35 See
footnote 24.
36 Beeker,
J. A., and Jaycox, E. K., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 2, 773 (1931).
37 Henderson,
Joseph E., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 66 (1935).
38 The
Central Scientific Company supplies a raw rubber tape for this. They recommend
the use of a piece of thin aluminum sheeting with it.
39 Small
hose is obtainable from scientific supply houses. Large sizes of vacuum
hose are sold by Central Scientific Company, Chicago, Illinois.
40 DuMond,
J. W. M., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 285 (1935). Rose, John E.,
Rev. Sci. Instruments, 8, 130 (1937).
Hoffman Specialty
Company, Waterbury, Connecticut. Crane and Company are local agents.
42 For
a description of a greaseless valve using a silver bellows acting against
, a silver chloride seat, see Ramsperger, lIerman C., Rev. Sci. Instruments,
2, 738 (1931).
43 Brose,
H. L., and Keyston, J. E., Journ. Sci. Instruments, 7, 19 (1930).
44 Webeter,
D. L., Rev. Sci., Instruments, 6, 42 (1934).
45 Gaede,
W., Ann. d. Physik, 41, 289 (1913). Hickman, K. C. D., J.O.S.A.,
18, 305 (1929). Pfund, A.H., Phys. Rev., 18, 78 (1921).
46 Buekley,
O. E., Nat. Acad. Sci., Proc., 2, 683 (1916). Dushman, S., and
Found, C. G., Phys. Rev., 17, 7 (1921). Jaycox, E. K., and Weinhart,
H. W., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 2, 401 (1931). Simon, H., Zeits.
f. techn. Physik, 5, 221 (1924).
47 DuMond,
J. W. M., and Pickele, W. M., Jr., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 362
(1936). Hale, C. P., Am. Electrochem. Soc., Trans., 20,
243 (1911). von Pirani, M., Deutech. Phys. Gaesell., Verh., 8,
24 (1906). Skellett, A. M., J.O.S.A., 15, 56 (1927). Stanley, L.
F., Phys. Soc., Proc., 33, 287 (1921).
48 Beekman,
Arnold O., J.O.S.A., 16, 276 (1928). Haber, F., and Kerschbaum,
F., Zeits. f. Elektrochem., 20, 296 (1914). Langmuir, I., Am.
Chem. Soc., J., 35, 107 (1913).
49 DuMond,
J. W. M., and Pickele, W. M., Jr., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6, 362
(1936). Knudeen, M., Ann. d. Physik, 28, 76 (1909). |